Sustainability is a central element of the culture at Longo Landscape Contractors. Whenever possible within the scope and budget of a project, we source the most eco-friendly materials and engage in environmentally-conscious practices. We are devoted to supporting and preserving our planet now and for those who come after us.
Longo Landscape Contractors composts all of the yard waste accumulated from our services into a very healthy and alive screened loam. This is a much more sustainable method of producing topsoil than stripping it from farms or development sites.
Drainage/Recharger Systems
Imagine this: you purchase a lot, cut down trees and build a structure that sheds water - paving a driveway, adding a patio or a pool, for example. You and your family have a beautiful new space to use and enjoy, however these installations do harm to the planet.
They remove water that would have naturally fallen to the ground and been absorbed by vegetation. When we complete these types of projects, we take away the opportunity for the displaced water to make its way to groundwater reserves. Not only that, but the water becomes polluted, collecting silt, fertilizer and oil when it runs over the impervious surfaces.
The solution to this problem is to install recharger systems. These systems put the rainwater back into the earth, without harmful pollutants, and can typically solve most rainwater runoff or drainage issues. Longo Landscape Contractors always encourages recharging the groundwater displaced by impervious surfaces, and some cities and towns now require recharger systems.